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8/13/10 "Kill Giraffe:Victory"
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Today was my last day at the store. I thank all of the great people I met there (who read the comic) for your good lucks and well wishes.

At first I was worried of going this direction cause I didn't want you guys would feel ripped off since I didn't actually kill the giraffe. But I felt this is a better ending. As both the creator and the actual person I think it be against my character to actually kill the giraffe. This comic on another level represents my restraint from making a big spectacle as I was leaving the store for real.

Also this is inspired by the fight between Wendy and Cartman.

Tune in tomorrow for the less exciting conclusion to the Stars on the Ceiling event, Kill Giraffe.

"Countless bitter tears, and more shed every day. But there's a change coming on. We gotta right these fucking wrongs. They can cover their ears. But we won't stop screaming!"
("Contemplate This On The Tree Of Woe", Dillinger Four)
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