Yesterday the stars aligned and I was finally off to go to Locust Moon Comics famous Drink & Draw. The name is pretty self explanatory. It was an awesome time. Met some cool artist, something I've been meaning to do. I met Sa-de and Leah, two awesome artist, there. Sa-de flipped threw my sketch book and became a big fan. I did have comic ready for today(that I actually sketched at Drink & Draw) but I wanted to say how awesome it was, so you'll have to wait till Monday to find out what it was. I hope to go again, this time I should bring business cards.
"With so much drama in the L-B-C. It's kinda hard bein Snoop D-O-double-G. But I, somehow, some way. Keep comin up with funky ass shit like every single day." (Gin and Juice, Snoop Dogg)